Catherine Sidwell
Representations of birds in decorative designs for the English domestic interior 1851-1914, with special reference to the work of C.F.A. Voysey
Representations of birds in decorative designs for the English domestic interior 1851-1914, with special reference to the work of C.F.A. Voysey
Taking Performance Seriously: an investigation into young people’s performance and radical citizenship in East Africa
Performative Imperceptibility - Deleuze, Dramaturgy, and Performance Philosophy
We Belong to the Streets - a YA novel about growing up in the East End in the turbulent 1880s
An evaluation of audiodescription as a means of encouraging autistic spectrum disorder audiences to access and engage with the complex emotions portrayed in audiovisual texts
‘Wild things in wild places’: British cultures of extreme exploration, 1851–1913
A realist philosophy of time between physics and metaphysics
Inside, Outside: Contested Spaces in Young Adult Literature set in Israel/Palestine
From non-time to the presence of a timescape: transformations of the experience of contemporaneity in durational theatre and performance.
Writing for performance as an ecological practice in a postmedial age
Degenerate Criminals and Criminologist Detectives: Late-19th Century Gothic and Crime Fiction in Italy and Great Britain
Carnival of the self: an autoethnographic poetics of a doctoral researcher poet's identity articulations within diasporic Caribbean spaces
Object dialogues: Approaches to the use of museums objects in language acquisition and intercultural dialogue with ESOL learners (English for Speakers of Other Languages)
Nature Rituals of the early Medieval Church of Britain: Christian Cosmology and the Conversion of British Landscape from St Ninian to Bede
Active bodies difficult objects: The language of health and wellbeing in a new bio-political era
Tangible Changes in Intangible Cultural Heritage Preservation: Using experience-based co-design to inform cultural policy-making practice.
“Making up (for) lost heritage: an ethnographic study of dance, language and identity in London’s Greek Cypriot diaspora”
Medieval Memory and Legacy in the Cultural Politics of Tudor England
Realising the unreal - Swedenborg, photography and vision(s)
Queering of Memory/Temporality/Subjectivity: Subversive Methods in Audiovisual Practice
Archive Sub-versions: Photography, the Accident, and the Logic of Production
Marx’s Critique of Political Economy as a Social Ontology: Totality, Alienation and History
The Anthrodecentric Lyric: Zen Buddhism and Eco-Ontology in 20th century American Verse
Denise Wren and the Knox Guild of Design and Craft: Shifting the story of interwar studio ceramics from pot to process
The construction of female consciousness in Philip Massinger's Dramatic Canon
Constructing the architectural moving drawing: transdisciplinary practices between architecture and artists’ film
Alternative AIDS Video: the representation of the AIDS crisis in independent art video and film in the 1980s and 1990s London–New York
What is an intellectual? Foucault, Gramsci and social function
An investigation into artists’ collaborations with modernist new town masterplanners in the UK between 1955 and 1975, and a curatorial project initiating collaborative practices between artists and masterplanners today
How successfully do different kinds of storytelling engage audiences with the complexities of the Anthropocene?
Inequality in Restoration England: Status, Occupation and Wealth in the Town and Countryside