Jonathan Gilmurray
Ecoacoustics: ecology and environmentalism in contemporary music and sound art
Ecoacoustics: ecology and environmentalism in contemporary music and sound art
Deep Listening: the strategic practices of female experimental composers post 19
'Boat of Letters' and the Poetics of Reticence: A Creative and Critical Thesis
Raising the voice and visibility of independent Black publishers
Professional Women Interior Decorators, 1874 to 1900
Understanding power in post-millennial rap and metal
Rethinking Political Subjectivity: Immigrant Activism during the Greek Crisis (2008-15)
Blurring the Boundaries: Nuns, Early Modern Women and Writers
Crises of Citizenship in Contemporary Fiction
Slow Works - Deceleration as Curatorial Paradigm
Vision, History, Episteme: William Blake and Philip K. Dick’s Transformations of Modern Reality
A Typology for Kypchak Auxiliary and other Multi-Verb Constructions
Attending to the physical body as material, a discourse on corporeal representation through the interdisciplinary field of dance. How can a somatic inquiry produce new images?
Shakespeare’s ‘Oriental’ Objects: Race and Material Culture in Early Modern Drama
Improvising Moll - staging dialogues between queer pasts and presents
The ‘Tyrant Rapist’, Discourses of Matrimony and the Persistence of Patriarchal Political Ideologies in Early Modern Literary and Artistic Fiction