Solene Heinzl
The Impact Of Cultural Policies in New Towns: An Urban Ethnomusicological Case Study Of Cergy-Pontoise (1965-Present Day)
The Impact Of Cultural Policies in New Towns: An Urban Ethnomusicological Case Study Of Cergy-Pontoise (1965-Present Day)
The Time of Information: A Human-technical Relation
Tentacular Bodies, Matters, Times: Posthuman entanglements and oceanic imaginaries in 21st century SF
POOL Group and the Modernist Ciné-novel
The professionalisation of floral design in London 1935 to 1960
Portals in the Urban Terrain: excavating the virtual ruins of rendered architectural propositions
The Bombshell Assembly Line: military-industrial materials research and the syntheticisation of women’s bodies in the USA. 1939-present
Morphological clashes: a typological perspective
Alternative Methods of Supporting Artists in the Commercial Sector
Embodied perception and experience of scenography in live arts practices
Art as Fait Social; Theodor W. Adorno, G.W.F. Hegel and the Problem of Art and the Social
Pneuma and the Unity of Stoic Philosophy
What does it mean to have a musician’s ear? Listening to musicians
The Language of Birds: lucky rituals and nature
Disorder Order Disorder: A creative-critical essay study of contemporary psychiatric identities
Carousel of Consumption: design and meaning of retail spaces as platforms for value co-creation in circular fashion systems
All Women in Greek Myth: Finding Inclusive Feminist Theoretical Frameworks for Greek Mythology in Reception and Popular Culture
Les Ballets 1933: collecting, exhibiting and performing the avant-garde
Thinking as music, and thinking as dancing: the emergence of novelty in eternal return
Measurement, invariance and representation in Cavaillès, Desanti and Vuillemin
Writing Socialist Feminism: Women Activists and the Novel, 1887-1908