
Additional Funding

There are a number of sources of additional funding for Techne students, RTSG, CEA, REA and travel to Techne events. 

Research Training Support Grant (RTSG)

Techne students can apply for RTSG to support overseas and UK study visits/fieldwork, conference attendance, as well as other research costs which are necessary for the student’s primary research. This would include consumables or exhibition costs and artists’ materials. The amount available for the entire period of the PhD is £1,750.

Applications should be made using the RTSG application form completed by the student and supervisor and sent to


Credit: Techne student Liz K. Miller, Forest Listening, 2020. Limnerslease woodland, Watts Artists’ Village, Guildford, UK.

Techne has two schemes for students wishing to extend their funding, maintenance, fees and submission date:

Career Enhancement Activity (CEA)

Techne students can apply for an extension of up to six months to their maintenance and fee payments, and for other financial support, to help them undertake work placements or other career enhancement activities (CEAs). CEAs must not be related to the PhD, but to enable students to develop a wider skills. The application will include the option to claim for travel and accommodation and course/training costs of up to £2,000.  If you have any questions please look at the FAQs, if you need any further information contact

Applications must be made using the CEA Application form and Guidance. Applications should be sent to

Credit: Techne student, Alice Mercier

Research Enhancement Activity (REA)

Research Activity Enhancement extensions of up to 6 months, will be awarded to outstanding students who can prove that the additional time will achieve at least one of the three goals of this fund:

  • significantly enhance the doctoral research project in ways that could not have been foreseen at the time of application
  • support students where the nature of the PhD has changed significantly since the application (where the change is for research-based reasons only)
  • increase the impact of the doctoral research project out-with the academy

Please note that for extensions on the basis of research activity there is no provision for travel costs which should be supported through RTSG.

For full guidance and an application form please click here. Applications should be sent to

Credit: Viveca Mellegård. Oxygenating naturally grown indigo in Tamil Nadu, India.