Collaboration with a range of external Partners is vital to Techne's vision of doctoral research in which students experience the processes of thinking, making and applying their research. Collaborative Doctoral Awards (CDAs) are PhD projects that are co-designed by a non-HEI organisation and HEI supervisory staff. Partner input is integral to the scholarship, emphasising mutually supportive knowledge exchange and professional development between doctoral students and highly experienced staff within our Partner organisations. Up to 20% of Techne students will pursue a Collaborative Doctoral Award.
Partners in conversation. Photograph by Will Chamberlin.
Students wishing to work with a partner should make an initial approach through their supervisor and Techne rather than contacting the partner directly.
Techne welcomes new Partners. Please contact us if you are interested in becoming a Partner.
Crafts Council
Culture Mile (comprising the Barbican Centre, Guildhall School of Music and Drama, London Symphony Orchestra, Museum of London)
Heathrow Airport Holdings
visit Heathrow company information pages
Historic Royal Palaces (comprising: Tower of London, Hampton Court Palace, Banqueting House, Kensington Palace, Kew Palace, Hillsborough Castle)
Institute of Contemporary Arts
London Metropolitan Archives
The National Archives
National Maritime Museum / Royal Museums, Greenwich
National Theatre and Archive
The National Trust
Natural History Museum
Royal Botanic Gardens Kew
Science Museum
Studio Wayne McGregor
Watts Gallery
Wellcome Collection