
Transgender Studies

  • Tom Pryce

    Tom Pryce

    Histories and philosophies
    University of Brighton

    Knowing ourselves as embodied beings: Trans-forming Heidegger, Irigaray against Derrida

  • Anne Nielsen

    Anne Nielsen

    Culture and communications
    University of Brighton

    Duplicates, Dispersal and Disposal in Museums

  • Himan Heidari2.png.jpg

    Himan Heidari

    Languages and literatures
    University of Roehampton London

    Curious Travellers and Ambivalent Performers: British Women Travellers and Orientalism in Kurdistan (1890-1940)

  • Luke Beesley.jpg

    Luke Beesley

    Culture and communications
    University of Brighton

    On Our Own Behalf: Theory, Strategy, and Practice within the Disabled People’s Movement in Britain

  • Ömercan Tüm

    Ömercan Tüm

    Languages and literatures
    University of Brighton

    Representations of Muslim Masculinities in Contemporary British and American Diaspora Novels

  • Lolly Sillitoe

    Lolly Sillitoe

    Languages and literatures
    University of Westminster

    Ecohorror and the work of Annie Proulx: Imagining Non-Human Trauma Victims

  • Serafina Lee

    Serafina Lee

    Languages and literatures
    Royal Holloway University of London

    Unfinishing: The Draft Poetics of Lyn Hejinian, Susan Howe, and Rachel Blau DuPlessis

  • Samuel Kaufman.jpg

    Sam Kaufman

    Art and design
    Kingston University London

    Entangling Umwelten: Towards a New Ecology of Moving Images and Nonhuman Worlds

  • Oknim Jo [Square]

    Oknim Jo

    Art and design
    University of Brighton

    Transnational Studies of Interior Design Practice in South Korea from the 1960s to the 1980s

  • Eve Barro

    Eve Barro

    Art and design
    Loughborough University London

    Colonial Coral: Design for Decolonising More-than-Human Worlds in the Natural History Museum

  • Adrianna Chmielewska (1)

    Adrianna Chmielewska

    Culture and communications
    Kingston University London

    Adaptation of literature into opera as a reflection of Italian cultural imagination and identity.

  • Bill Edmonds [Square]

    Bill Edmonds

    Histories and philosophies
    Royal Holloway University of London

    Global Humanitarianism: Quaker Aid to Refugees from Nazism, 1938-1945

  • Karen Hanrahan.jpg

    Karen Hanrahan

    Languages and literatures
    University of Brighton

    Narrative navigatio of former nuns: Exploring stories of transgression, reflexivity and transcendence through life history

  • Joana Chicau

    Joana Chicau

    Media and performance arts
    University of the Arts London

    Human-Computer Counter-Choreographies