Anna Argirò
Rethinking Birth and Maternity as Philosophical Categories: Hannah Arendt’s Notion of Natality in Dialogue with Contemporary Feminist Thought
Rethinking Birth and Maternity as Philosophical Categories: Hannah Arendt’s Notion of Natality in Dialogue with Contemporary Feminist Thought
Canguilhem, Ruyer and Simondon – A Philosophy of Life Sciences à la Française
The Materiality of Digital Music: An Assemblage of Musicians and Vital Materials
Archiving the Disaster: Preservation, Separation and Encounter
Who is the Subject of Intersectionality? Intersectional Feminism and Structuralist Philosophies of the Subject
Against Ecology: Law, Ethics, and Activism on a Dynamic Planet
Knowing ourselves as embodied beings: Trans-forming Heidegger, Irigaray against Derrida
The ‘Golden Chain’? - Tradition as a Philosophical Problem
Dancing as Religious Embodiment: A Philosophical Perspective on Esotericism and Occultism in Early Modern Dance
The Socialist Being of a Thing: The Concepts of Object and Structure in Soviet Constructivism and Bruno Latour's Legacy
Instituent Power: Social Structure and Political Practice in Roberto Esposito and Cornelius Castoriadis
‘Messianic Adaptation: Pier Paolo Pasolini’s Script for ‘San Paolo’’
The Geopower of Air and Fire: a Cultural Geography of Fiery Rituals in China