

  • Alex Todd.jpg

    Alex Todd

    Culture and communications
    University of Brighton

    The Violence of Vision: Wild Plakken and the Crisis of Dutch Political Identity, 1977–1996

  • Devika Sharma.jpg

    Devika Sharma

    Art and design
    Loughborough University London

    Design Activism – Exploring Creative Repertoires for Public Participation

  • Annie Kwan.jpg

    Annie Kwan

    Art and design
    University of Westminster

    Radical Spiritual Collective: Spiritual Activism as Curatorial Collective Engagements with Diasporic Feminist Artistic Practices

  • Katt Ekrami

    Katt Ekrami

    Culture and communications
    University of the Arts London

    Evaluating brand activism and social change across stakeholders

  • Gabriel Hoosain Khan

    Gabriel Hoosain Khan

    Art and design
    University of Brighton

    Art, resistance, and healing: on the potentials of using the Creative Change Laboratory (CCoLAB) among queer youth in Brighton

  • John Mason.jpg

    Jon Norman-Mason

    Languages and literatures
    University of Brighton

    Re-storying the city: applying urban perspectives to eco-storytelling

  • Selam Mussie Tadesse

    Selam Mussie Tadesse

    Culture and communications
    University of Westminster

    Women’s Movements in Africa: Digital Collective Identity Building and Offline Organising in Ethiopia and Kenya

  • Aurore Damoiseaux

    Aurore Damoiseaux

    Art and design
    University of Brighton

    Employing the materiality of clothed bodies to ask for change: the social and political weight of Greenham Women’s dress (1981-2000).

  • Keren Assaf

    Keren Assaf

    Histories and philosophies
    Brunel University London

    Towards a decolonized future examining the meaning of solidarity alliance in settler states

  • Kariima Ali.jpg

    Kariima Ali

    Culture and communications
    University of Roehampton London

    Exploring the History of Black Women’s Mental Health Organising in Britain from the 1970s – Present Day