Ursula Clayton
'Time's Flies': Shakespeare's Parasites
'Time's Flies': Shakespeare's Parasites
The Anthrodecentric Lyric: Zen Buddhism and Eco-Ontology in 20th century American Verse
All Women in Greek Myth: Finding Inclusive Feminist Theoretical Frameworks for Greek Mythology in Reception and Popular Culture
Masculinity under the Microscope: Nineteenth-Century Naturalism’s Feminine Frame
Revolting Reflections: Representations of Eating Disorders and Female Thinness in Twentieth Century Women’s Writing
Complex machines: representations of technology in early twenty-first century fiction
Oral self-translation of stand-up comedy: from mental text to performance and interaction
Virago and the Modern World: From Second Wave Feminism to Corporate Publishing
Female Cross-Dressing, Genre and Popular Literary Forms from 1830 to 1900
Blurring the Boundaries: Nuns, Early Modern Women and Writers
The Country Cottage in Nineteenth-Century Literature
“Making up (for) lost heritage: an ethnographic study of dance, language and identity in London’s Greek Cypriot diaspora”
What the women have to say: women’s perspectives on language, identity and nation in Cataluña
Morphological clashes: a typological perspective
Object dialogues: Approaches to the use of museums objects in language acquisition and intercultural dialogue with ESOL learners (English for Speakers of Other Languages)
An evaluation of audiodescription as a means of encouraging autistic spectrum disorder audiences to access and engage with the complex emotions portrayed in audiovisual texts
Vision, History, Episteme: William Blake and Philip K. Dick’s Transformations of Modern Reality
Play for Today at 50: Contexts and Legacies
The ‘Tyrant Rapist’, Discourses of Matrimony and the Persistence of Patriarchal Political Ideologies in Early Modern Literary and Artistic Fiction
MVBs, Porous Books, and Feedback Loops
Enduring Eden: Living the Anthropocene in Contemporary Californian Fiction
Raising the voice and visibility of independent Black publishers
Tentacular Bodies, Matters, Times: Posthuman entanglements and oceanic imaginaries in 21st century SF
“Millimetre”: An Interdisciplinary and Ecocritical Creative Writing Project
Everyday Trauma and Late-Capitalist Symptoms: 'Lost Footage' in Late Twentieth-Century French Fiction
Degenerate Criminals and Criminologist Detectives: Late-19th Century Gothic and Crime Fiction in Italy and Great Britain
Assimilation or Resistance: The Medicalised Body in 21st Century
Crises of Citizenship in Contemporary Fiction
Shakespeare’s ‘Oriental’ Objects: Race and Material Culture in Early Modern Drama
POOL Group and the Modernist Ciné-novel
Carnival of the self: an autoethnographic poetics of a doctoral researcher poet's identity articulations within diasporic Caribbean spaces
Sugar and Femininity in Early Modern Drama
“We Run Tings, Tings Nuh Run We”: Rewriting Caribbean Bodies and the Environment in Anglophone Caribbean Literature, 1970-
An Interdisciplinary Analysis of the lifeworld changes experienced by people whose HIV narratives are published on the Terrence Higgins Trust website
Past and Pre-Raphaelite Present: Elizabeth Siddal’s Retellings of Inherited Stories
Confrontation with Catastrophe: Shakespeare and Appropriation in the Drama of David Rudkin, Howard Barker and Sarah Kane.
Beside Themselves: Shakespeare's Ecstatic Subjects
Second Cities: An Urban Aesthetics of Violence and Politics in Border Literature
The Deformed Transformed: Congenital deformity in nineteenth-century narratives
Monstrous resurrections: Frankenstein’s legislative legacy
A Typology for Kypchak Auxiliary and other Multi-Verb Constructions
‘Poverty Porn’ in Nineteenth-Century Fiction: Spectacle, Space, Surveillance and the Victorian Imagination
The Semiotic Subject: Shakespeare and the Early Modern Philosophy of Language
Beyond the Resistance: Second World War Memory and Forgetfulness in Italian Novels (1960-2000)
Victorian Cutlery: Objects, Power, and Representation in Nineteenth-Century Literature
Writing Socialist Feminism: Women Activists and the Novel, 1887-1908
The ‘Energy Unconscious’: Natural Resources and the American Novel, 1846-1979
How successfully do different kinds of storytelling engage audiences with the complexities of the Anthropocene?
The construction of female consciousness in Philip Massinger's Dramatic Canon
Gothic Faultlines: Multimodal American Literature and the Collective Reading Enterprise
Subtitling live events through respeaking - increasing accessibility for all
The Changing Meaning of Epic, 1675-1795
An Exploration of the London Spoken Word Poetry Community