Dan Nemenji
What is the Internet? An Ontological Investigation
What is the Internet? An Ontological Investigation
Embodied Authority: Biopolitics, Representation and Popular Assembly
The professionalisation of floral design in London 1935 to 1960
A realist philosophy of time between physics and metaphysics
The geography of garments: cartographies of London’s fashion industry from 1984 onward
Nature Rituals of the early Medieval Church of Britain: Christian Cosmology and the Conversion of British Landscape from St Ninian to Bede
'The gentry are sequestred all': An investigation into the implementation, impact and ramifications of sequestration during the Civil War, Interregnum and Commonwealth periods, c1645-1660.
Art as Fait Social; Theodor W. Adorno, G.W.F. Hegel and the Problem of Art and the Social
Hues of Thought: Darkness and Light in Pliny’s Letters
Laboratories of Dissent: A cartography of anarchist resistance to Franco in prison and in exile, 1960-1975
Justice Beyond Justice: An examination of the meaning of "justice" within public campaigns responding to police or state related deaths
How to construct a line of flight: A psychoanalytic genealogy of Deleuze and Guattari’s concept
The medieval pregnancy test: determining pregnancy and predicting the child's sex in later medieval Europe
History in the Philosophy of Theodor W. Adorno
Commentary on Cicero`s Pro Caecina
To the Death? A Re-examination of the Stakes of Encounters Between Philosophy and Literature Since 1945
Rethinking Political Subjectivity: Immigrant Activism during the Greek Crisis (2008-15)
Participatory Practices of Memory: Memorialising the Great War in Britain During the Centenary Moment
“A terribly difficult decision to make”: The memory of Second World War conscientious objection in Britain since 1945
Forgotten Trailblazers: A Historical Case Study of African American Women’s Study Abroad in Europe, 1859-1935
'Ulster Television in the 1960s: the unknown history'
A fascination with Fascism: visions of the far right in 1970s/80s underground British culture, c. 1976-1989
Empire, Collusion, Terror and Anglo-Irish Relations, 1966-1998
Animal metaphors and the depiction of female avengers in Attic tragedy: a theory of dramatic characterisation
The Empire in the garden: The British Empire, gardens and national identity in 19th and early 20th century Britain
Pneuma and the Unity of Stoic Philosophy
Marx’s Critique of Political Economy as a Social Ontology: Totality, Alienation and History
Crafting Everyday Fashions in the Twentieth Century: An analysis of handmade womenswear and accessories in the Worthing Museum costume collection
Strange Case of Robert Louis Stevenson and 'Tusitala': Ethnography and the Politics of Genre
Camp de Rivesaltes: A topography of French Cultural Memory
Kant and Clausewitz: A Philosophy of Actuality
Exclusive and Excluding Perspectives on the Past: Narratives of Victimisation among the Contemporary Right in Austria and Northern Ireland
Rioting and Reproduction: Theorizing and Historicizing British Queer Liberation in the 1960s and ‘70s
Soft-Power Struggles: China's State Media in Africa
Re-framing the ‘Third Generation’ of the Pre-Raphaelite Sisterhood: Gendered Revival of Early Pre-Raphaelitism in 1880-1920
Narrating and Constructing History, Time and Social Space in the Film and Video Essay
Thinking as music, and thinking as dancing: the emergence of novelty in eternal return
Schema and Image: On the Need for a Hermeneutic Approach to Perceptual Experience
What is an intellectual? Foucault, Gramsci and social function
Measurement, invariance and representation in Cavaillès, Desanti and Vuillemin
Kant’s Opus Postumum: Collapse, Caloric and Transcendental Distortion
Inequality in Restoration England: Status, Occupation and Wealth in the Town and Countryside
How do exhibitions of colonialism in museums mediate historical trauma?
Pan-Mediterranean Study of the Representation of Christian-Muslim Negotiations in Western Sources, c.1050–c.1300
Feeding the city: Integrated approaches to urban foodways and identities in Roman London
Zeitdiagnose - contemporary gendered readings of Hegel
The Genesis of Disjunction
Making Young Historians through Drama
Critical Freedom: Between Lacan and Deleuze and Guattari
The Ignorant Demos: The incompatibility of Neoliberalism and Democracy
Tacitean Commanders as products of their time
A critical history of logistics: digitised life as a logistical operation
Affect and emotion in philosophy and neuroscience: identity or difference?
The Time of Information: A Human-technical Relation
Ambassadorial Speeches in the Hellenistic Period: The Evidence of Polybios and Inscriptions