Bridget Smith
Realising the unreal - Swedenborg, photography and vision(s)
Realising the unreal - Swedenborg, photography and vision(s)
An analysis of the semiotics of provenance information in establishing symbolic and economic value for objects within the Near Eastern antiquities market
Dispossessing Bodies: Resisting the Violence of Property
Visual surveillance in the City of London (1994- present day). Discipline, control and the materiality of digital visual media
‘Wild things in wild places’: British cultures of extreme exploration, 1851–1913
Transferring trauma: understanding distressing images and ghoulish spectres in the Internet culture
Crisis, Commemoration and Dress: Designing Memory of the Revolutionary Period in Ireland
Quality of Interlingual Subtitling in the Streaming Era: Social, Process and Product Quality in Netflix
Silk in Modern Cambodia: Weaving a History of Survival (1850s - 2010s)
Applying Graph Theory to Conservation Documentation
An Ecological Poetics : Changing Symbols of the Natural World in Literature
Non-binary Performances: The relationship between fashion, identity and the body in individuals with non-binary gender identities
Queer Theory’s Green and Grey: thinking queer absence through the nonsexual rural
The Network Optic: Authorship and Collectivity after Vertov
Gendered identities and the role of needlecrafts in Britain on the home front during and after the First World War, 1914-1925
Live interlingual subtitles as a means to improve access for foreign and deaf and hard-of-hearing audiences
Alternative AIDS Video: the representation of the AIDS crisis in independent art video and film in the 1980s and 1990s London–New York
Heritage and Conservation in the work of the Greater London Council: Reimagining London 1965-86
Remaking the World: Uses of the Imagination in the Cultural Production of Resistant Movements
Architectural geographies of the British public house for 1979 to the present day
ARV Gay Bodies: The Production of Sexual Subjectivities in the Realm of HIV prevention
Religion as Magical Realism: How can writers use the literary techniques of magical realism to explore religion in television drama?
The Women of the Troubles: Presence and Absence in Public Memory
Locating the Function of Theory in New Institutionalism: The Case of MACBA
The Sociolinguistics of Youth Culture - rap, hip hop and identity among Polish youth in Biala Podlaska and Polish transnationals in Putney Vale, London
Scenarios of encounter: place, performance, and commemoration in Tūranganui-a-Kiwa and London
A Paper World: The Collection and Investigation of Plant Materials for Paper Making, c.1830-1914
Wearing the City: Fashion and clothing in the curation of urban history
Putting the Accessible Filmmaking Model into Practice: An Exploration of Media Accessibility and Translation as a Collaborative Process
Fog Tropes: The social and cultural history of the foghorn 1853 to the present day
Inside, Outside: Contested Spaces in Young Adult Literature set in Israel/Palestine
Granular Geographies of Endless Growth: Singapore and the Spatial-Cognitive Fix
Manuscript fragments and the bindings from which they were removed: Recording the evidence
Pathways to the social bond Autistic perspectives on managing life and employment
Imaginaries of risk and radicalisation in the UK 'war on terror' (2005-2017)
Towards a relational design aesthetics of tactile affect and ‘feeling- with’
The somatic and precarity: moral theory as critique
Visualising intangible Sacred Spaces: the materialities and ephemerality of Orthodox Jewish ritual enclosures
Visionary Kingdom: Media, History and the Plane of Delirium
Destroy, She Said - On Early Cinema’s Comediennes and Destruction as a Comic Strategy
Justa notha teenage rebel: Belfast Punk and the Troubles 1977-1982. (Keywords: Space, Subcultures, Memory, Punk, Oral History)
Migrant Women Negotiating Difference, Borders and Work: Turkish, Kurdish Women in Hackney, 1980 to 2018
Reclaiming the city through street art: Street art as an agent of social change in two South American cities
The BBC and European integration, c. 1957-1975
The System and Its Progeny: Stirner’s Insurrectionary Hegelianism and the Affirmation of Creative Individuality
A New World Order: Science, the Mind and the Occult 1918-1939
Navigating through bindings: Study of the bookbindings of ship's logbooks from maritime empires in early modern Europe
Troubled generations? : An oral history of youth experience of the conflict in Belfast, 1969-1998
Locating stories of time, memory and place in urban activism in Beirut
The Impact Of Cultural Policies in New Towns: An Urban Ethnomusicological Case Study Of Cergy-Pontoise (1965-Present Day)
Being “Gurkha”, Becoming British: Fashion, Creativity and Diaspora Identity Formation Amongst Young Nepali Migrants
Collecting Leviathan: curiosity, exchange and the Southern Whale Fleet (1775-1860)
Designing Sustainable Food Futures: a design anthropological approach to cultural value and culinary capital in shaping ‘sustainable’ diets
Re-imagining liminal therapeutic landscapes
Changing Places: Evaluating the socio-cultural impact and experiential change of the new Museum of London in Smithfield