Catherine Peck
The Country Cottage in Nineteenth-Century Literature
The Country Cottage in Nineteenth-Century Literature
Inequality in Restoration England: Status, Occupation and Wealth in the Town and Countryside
Carousel of Consumption: design and meaning of retail spaces as platforms for value co-creation in circular fashion systems
The somatic and precarity: moral theory as critique
Re-framing the ‘Third Generation’ of the Pre-Raphaelite Sisterhood: Gendered Revival of Early Pre-Raphaelitism in 1880-1920
Remaking the World: Uses of the Imagination in the Cultural Production of Resistant Movements
“Making up (for) lost heritage: an ethnographic study of dance, language and identity in London’s Greek Cypriot diaspora”
Enduring Eden: Living the Anthropocene in Contemporary Californian Fiction
'Ulster Television in the 1960s: the unknown history'
Re-imagining liminal therapeutic landscapes
Changing Places: Evaluating the socio-cultural impact and experiential change of the new Museum of London in Smithfield
Teaching design as a way to reclaim freedom from within hostile environments
Medieval Memory and Legacy in the Cultural Politics of Tudor England
Sugar and Femininity in Early Modern Drama
All Women in Greek Myth: Finding Inclusive Feminist Theoretical Frameworks for Greek Mythology in Reception and Popular Culture
The System and Its Progeny: Stirner’s Insurrectionary Hegelianism and the Affirmation of Creative Individuality
How do exhibitions of colonialism in museums mediate historical trauma?
Dispossessing Bodies: Resisting the Violence of Property
Queer Theory’s Green and Grey: thinking queer absence through the nonsexual rural
The Postatomic Ear: A practice-based study of sound and atmospheric effects in the Nuclear Age
Kew’s Imperial Archive: Cataloguing Economic Botany in the Miscellaneous Reports, 1841-1928