Christopher Day
The BBC and European integration, c. 1957-1975
The BBC and European integration, c. 1957-1975
Xenotemporality: New Understandings of Non-human Time and their Impact for the Anthropocene
Migrant Women Negotiating Difference, Borders and Work: Turkish, Kurdish Women in Hackney, 1980 to 2018
Putting the Accessible Filmmaking Model into Practice: An Exploration of Media Accessibility and Translation as a Collaborative Process
Play for Today at 50: Contexts and Legacies
Designing Sustainable Food Futures: a design anthropological approach to cultural value and culinary capital in shaping ‘sustainable’ diets
A realist philosophy of time between physics and metaphysics
Concerts, Commerce and Charity in Georgian London
Reclaiming the city through street art: Street art as an agent of social change in two South American cities
Soft-Power Struggles: China's State Media in Africa
The ‘Energy Unconscious’: Natural Resources and the American Novel, 1846-1979
Carnival of the self: an autoethnographic poetics of a doctoral researcher poet's identity articulations within diasporic Caribbean spaces
MVBs, Porous Books, and Feedback Loops
Counter-histories of Queer-feminist Live Art: A Transversal Cartography
Towards a relational design aesthetics of tactile affect and ‘feeling- with’
An Exploration of the London Spoken Word Poetry Community
The ‘Tyrant Rapist’, Discourses of Matrimony and the Persistence of Patriarchal Political Ideologies in Early Modern Literary and Artistic Fiction
Tentacular Bodies, Matters, Times: Posthuman entanglements and oceanic imaginaries in 21st century SF
Writing Socialist Feminism: Women Activists and the Novel, 1887-1908
The Language of Birds: lucky rituals and nature
Crafting Everyday Fashions in the Twentieth Century: An analysis of handmade womenswear and accessories in the Worthing Museum costume collection
Quality of Interlingual Subtitling in the Streaming Era: Social, Process and Product Quality in Netflix
Strange Case of Robert Louis Stevenson and 'Tusitala': Ethnography and the Politics of Genre
“Millimetre”: An Interdisciplinary and Ecocritical Creative Writing Project
“A terribly difficult decision to make”: The memory of Second World War conscientious objection in Britain since 1945
How successfully do different kinds of storytelling engage audiences with the complexities of the Anthropocene?
Tangible Changes in Intangible Cultural Heritage Preservation: Using experience-based co-design to inform cultural policy-making practice.
Hauntings and herstories: Catalysing the embodied archive of feminist live art practices from 1980s and 1990s Ireland
Locating the Function of Theory in New Institutionalism: The Case of MACBA
Feeding the city: Integrated approaches to urban foodways and identities in Roman London
Visualising intangible Sacred Spaces: the materialities and ephemerality of Orthodox Jewish ritual enclosures
The geography of garments: cartographies of London’s fashion industry from 1984 onward
Empire, Collusion, Terror and Anglo-Irish Relations, 1966-1998
The professionalisation of floral design in London 1935 to 1960